Carpet Cleaning Marketing Arizona - The Post Place Upgrade Training

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Find out how the Post Place can put your marketing on Auto-Pilot!

Learn about the latest upgrades to the Best Marketing System on the Internet for Carpet Cleaners, Residential and Commercial Cleaners. The Post Place is a key part of the On Top Local Marketing System which combines SEO, Social Media Marketing and Landing Page Marketing into one system that literally happens at the click of a button. The latest upgrades are amazing and include: 1. Scheduled Marketing - Now you can schedule when your content is delivered down to the very hour. This means that you can spend 60 minutes once a month and schedule all of your marketing for the next 60 days. 2. Easy Opt-In Marketing - With the click of your mouse you can add one of several opt-in forms to your content that will not only gather your visitors information but deliver it to you instantly. Most importantly, you can change your offers with every piece of content you share. 3. Video, Text and Opt-In Combined - Now you can harness the power of video, keyword rich content and Opt-In Marketing all on the same page in seconds. Your visitors will now have their chose of watching your video, reading your content or opting in to you offer instantly when they arrive to your landing page. To find out how you can leverage this technology in your business just fill out the form on this page!